Grandpa Barton has been making new feeders for the cows and we were able to go down and help him put them together. We even put gloves on kais and had her give it a try.
Labor Day Weekend
Daddy's Deer : )
Travis is the luckiest hunter i know last year first day he gets a good deer now this year first time out hunting he gets this deer at least one of us has the luck : ) CONGRATS TRAV
Travis brother Justin got his mission call to West Virginia we were able to spend time with him right before he left. it really makes me sad thinking kais will be 2 1/2 before he gets home. We will miss him a lot and we know he will be an amazing missionary WE LOVE YOU JUSTIN
While we were at the lake Kaisley decided she wanted to start rolling and now she has mastered it pretty good she is getting so big so fast but it has been fun watching her do new things