Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter/Kaisley Birthday

April has been a busy month, We started off by getting to go to Lake Powell for Easter. Kaisley and I went early with Stacie, Grandma and Grandpa. It was so much fun getting away. Kais loved being there she walked a million miles around the trailers, and rolled a million miles down the sandy hills between the trailers. We took her to feed the ducks which she loved but instead of throwing the popcorn out to the ducks she ate it while we threw it. We also got to take out Grandpa's new boat and even though it was cold we still had a fun time. On Saturday we had a camp fire and roasted marshmallows(which Kais LOVED as you can tell by the pic). We did two egg hunts with kais and the one with the plastic eggs she did not care about but when the Easter bunny hid the real eggs she wanted to keep picking them up so we put them out twice for her, she didn't get very much for Easter where her birthday was two days later but she got a couple outfits and a couple toys, it was so much fun being able to spend time with family and actually get to spend time with Travis without him having to go somewhere or do something.

Kaisley Birthday
Can't believe our little girl is 1 it has gone by too fast. We had a birthday party for her with close family and friends and can i say spoiled? she got tons of stuff she was not too sure about everyone there watching her especially when they all sang to her we thought she was going to cry, but she did love the cake especially the frosting, Aunt Carrie and I made her cake and cupcakes and they turned out pretty good. From mom and dad she got a wagon, rocking horse, clothes, and a baby with a stroller.  We have had so much fun watching her grow and learn here are some of the things she is doing.
-She LOVES the cows she gets so excited when we start down the road cause she know exactly where she is going. She will stand in the feeders and poke her head through and yell at them and throw hay to them.
-She loves to roll her tongue especially when she is making the horse or tractor sounds.
-She loves eat and drink she is always getting people to give her treats and a drink of their drink.
-She loves to go to great grandma Bartons mostly cause she gets spoiled and she knows grandma will give her anything she wants especially when it comes to m&m's.
-She still loves coby and to run around outside with him she will take his toy pig from him and walk around with it and he will follow her around until she drops it, we are very lucky he is so good with her.
-She is now in a big girl bed she sleeps better than she did in her crib she rolls around way too much.
-We took her to the Dr and she is only 16 pounds and 1 percent but then she is 83rd percent for her height so she is just going to be a tall skinny little girl.
-She is a talker she can say mama, dada, Grandpa, Grandma, Stacie, Truck, Cow, there, that, and Buddy.
-She is running everywhere its getting hard to keep up with her, she is always moving.
Well that is just a start of everything she is doing we have loved having her with us this last year cant wait to see what else she learns.

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